Stay cyber safe while working from home


Many businesses have adopted a hybrid model where employees are able to work from home when necessary. Unfortunately, this means your remote team can be more susceptible to cyber criminals taking advantage and attacking vulnerable systems. To help you stay cyber safe while working from home, we’ve put together a few key tips.


Being able to easily communicate with your team is essential while working remotely. For both video and messaging options you should look for systems that have end-to-end encryption.

This prevents third parties from accessing data while it’s being transferred across. If the system you’re using doesn’t offer this, consider switching, or letting your team know they should avoid sharing or discussing sensitive information online.

Use WiFi you trust

Using a trusted network while working from home is a great way to avoid cyber risk. Using shared space wifi at a cafe, airport or library puts employees at risk of being intercepted by attackers who can read and manipulate the data you’re sending across.

Make sure that when your employees are using shared WiFi, they know how to keep themselves safe. Using things like a virtual private network (VPN), SSL connnections, and turning off sharing will help to keep your valuable data secure.

Education is key

Technical defenses can’t always fully protect you or your business. Cyber criminals will often target individual employees so it’s important to educate them on security best practices and the types of cyber attacks that may occur. You should encourage your employees to beware of urgent or enticing emails that encourage you to follow instructions or click through to links.

They should also know not to click on unknown links or open attachments from people they don’t know. Friends and family should also be discouraged from using your employee’s computer for personal use as this could also expose the system to potential risks.


It’s a good idea to speak to an adviser to chat through your cyber insurance options. Get in touch with our team today to make sure your business is covered.

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