Goal-setting for your tradie business


It’s a new year in a new decade, and now is the perfect time to get your A into G and work on those business goals you’ve been meaning to get to. But how can you actually achieve them this time around? We’ve got the best tips for you!

How did you go last year?

Before you start getting your goals together, have a think about how last year went for you. What were some things you felt you and your team did really well? And what are some things that you didn’t do so well? You have to start somewhere so look at the good and bad of last year and figure out how you will continue the good and work on the not so good this year.

Break it all down

Probably the reason why you didn’t achieve some of your goals last year was because they seemed great and exciting when you first thought of them, but over time they got too big and seemed like a tonne of work. One of the most important ways to set goals you’ll actually achieve is to break them down into smaller chunks. For example, if you want to make more cash, you need to write down exactly how much you want to make each week, month and so on.

Get specific

Again, if your goal is too vague, it’s going to sit in your head as a general thing you want to do, but without saying you’ll do anything specific to reach it, you won’t. You can’t just say you want to make more money, you need to have a specific amount in mind so you can measure and track it. How much did you make last year? And how much more do you reckon you can make this year? And then figure out how you will achieve that, like chasing late invoices or cutting certain overheads etc.

Keep checking in

A goal isn’t really a goal if you just think of it and then forget about it. You should always be checking in to see how you’re tracking to achieve it, which is why you need to break it down and get specific about what needs to be done each week/month, etc. And if your plans change, your goals need to change with it, otherwise they’re useless. Make a note or calendar alert or whatever every month to check in to see how you’re going and you’ll be more likely to achieve it!

What are some of your goals for this year? If getting your insurance sorted or updated is one of them, you know who to call….

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