How to keep your skills up during the COVID-19 lockdown


Being at home sounds all good and well until you have a few kids screaming the house down and you’re sitting on the couch like a zombie.

For those of you who will be at home during this lockdown, here are some great tips to keep your minds and bodies sharp!

Build a treehouse for your kids (or yourself?)

You’ve always been meaning to, right? But you’ve never had time. Well now you have time. Looooots of time. And it’s something to do with those random bits of 2×4 you’ve got lying around. Just make sure you test it first before getting the little ones up in it…

Keep lifting

You’ll want to keep your muscles up right? With the gyms and training areas closed, you’ll need to get creative. So lift everything – the dog, the kids, the couch, whatever you can manage. Just do it properly – you all know the right manual handling lifting techniques right?

Clean your gear

When’s the last time you gave your gear a proper clean? You probably can’t remember, and again, you probably never had the time. But give it a few days stuck inside with everyone and you’ll be dying to hit the garage and spend hours polishing your work boots.

Get your brain working

It’ll be pretty easy to let yourself melt into the couch and binge-watch Netflix, but we all know tradies are pretty smart too right? So you’ve got to flex those brain muscles too. Whether you do some online training courses or just do a couple of puzzles or brain-teasers that make you think, get your brain moving every once in a while!

Eat healthy

Look, you probably don’t need to do much here. With no fast food, Uber Eats or a quick stop for a pie, you’ll be doing pretty good just eating at home. Maybe have some fun with your meals and check out some new recipes – maybe a new profession is in order! (Jamie Oliver gets paid heaps, right?)

What will you guys be doing during the lockdown?

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