4 little things you can do to impress your clients


When it comes to winning over clients, many people think that the loudest and flashiest methods will do the trick. You might make a bit of money that way, but it’s unlikely you’ll get repeat business or even referrals from that approach. As they say, it’s actually the little things that count, so here are 4 little things you can do to win jobs and the respect of your clients.

Wash your hands before measuring up

When you’re out at the client’s home to measure everything up for a quote, be sure to respect their space. This means taking care to keep everything clean, and washing your hands before handling or touching any materials. Within the COVID environment, hand-washing should be part of your normal practice anyway, but it won’t go unnoticed by clients as both a professional safety precaution and respect for their property.

Notice the details

You might only need to focus on one part of the client’s property, but it’s important to be aware of your surroundings at all times. If the gate is shut when you arrive, make sure you shut it behind you. If the client has pets, factor that into your process – talking about their pets is a great relationships builder, but it’s also good to note if you do win the job as you’ll need to make sure they are kept safe away from the work area.

Ask questions

It’s important to let the clients know you respect their space and their way of doing things. Even if it seems obvious, be sure to confirm anything you need to with them on the spot. The small questions such as asking if you should remove your shoes before coming in will put you in good stead for winning the job and will also demonstrate good manners – something clients really appreciate in tradies!

Get to the bottom of the client’s needs

It might be something you already do quite well, but it’s a good idea to go deeper than just the job at hand. For example, if you’re building a deck for the client, ask them what they will be using it for, and again, notice if they have pets or children. From this, you could then recommend a tougher material or a different coating to prevent damage. By asking the client what they hope to get out of the project, you’ll be showing you care about your work and how it can best suit their needs.

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